IDP Update
Emergency Fundraising UPDATE [09/06/2017] Bismillāh Assalamu alaikum warāhmatullāh It is with great pleasure we provide you updates on the IDP Emergency Fundraising for food supplies on this day, the 14th of Ramadān 1438AH. First and foremost, we thank Allāh Subhanahu Wa’ta’ala for making this fundraising activity a success. We have exceeded our own expectations-and this was only possible by the will of Allāh. Alhamdulillāh a thousand times!!! To out 111 donors who donated either in cash or kind, and to the numerous broadcasters who helped spread the word, and those who supported with heart felt dua, we sincerely pray that this beautiful act weighs heavy on your scale of good deeds – Amīn Total amount raised/donated (to date) since the 8th of Ramadān 1438AH/3rd June 2017 is N1,519,700. Total amount utilized (to date) is N479,050* - As at Sunday 9th of Ramadan/8th June 2017 when the team visited the market to purchase the fo...